Ana Terra: from Core and Nebula to the House and the Street, patriarchal order masks in Érico Veríssimo´s novel




Patriarchy, Ana Terra, Femininity


This study proposes an analysis of Érico Verissmo´s novel Ana Terra, seeking to identify spaces in the narrative that highlight patriarchal order marks, as seen in studies by Roberto Reis and Roberto DaMatta. These theorists help us clarify the questions of patriarchy, as they discuss the concepts of core and nebula through the social spheres of the house, the street and the other world. This narrative belongs to the Brazilian regionalism of 30, studying the rural world featuring characters holding power and those around them with personalities representing underprivileged or with little social prestige. It is also emphasizes the character Ana Terra as represented in a position of woman inserted in an immoderately sexist context, and along with theorists we try to show the patriarchal system as favoring the man, who maintained control over the woman. As such, some narrative elements warrant the patriarchal system as evident in the social spheres (house, street and other world), showing us how interpersonal relationships were in the place in which they were inserted and through the dichotomy core and nebula mapping out the characters in the structure of the novel.

Author Biographies

Ivan Lucas Borghezan Faust, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Master in Letters from the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná.

Marcos Hidemi de Lima, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

PhD Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Letters of the Federal Technological University of Paraná


DAMATTA, Roberto. A casa & a rua: espaço, cidadania, mulher e morte no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara, 1987.

D’INCAO, Maria Ângela. Mulher e família burguesa. Mary Del Priore (org.). 10. ed. História das mulheres no Brasil. São Paulo: Contexto, 2011, pp. 223-240.

HUTCHEON, Linda. Poética do pós-modernismo. Tradução: Ricardo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1991.

REIS, Roberto. A permanência do círculo: hierarquia no romance brasileiro. Niterói: EDUFF, 1987.

VERÍSSIMO, Érico. Ana Terra. 21. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Globo, 1985.



How to Cite

Faust, Ivan Lucas Borghezan, and Marcos Hidemi de Lima. “Ana Terra: From Core and Nebula to the House and the Street, Patriarchal Order Masks in Érico Veríssimo´s Novel”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 35, Dec. 2018, pp. 59-69, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2018v35p59.