Under the weight of their own bodies: representation of the black woman in Conceição Evaristo’s short stories “Maria” and “rosa Maria Rosa”
Short stories, Conceição Evaristo, Representation, Black womanAbstract
Little attention is given to the female authorship in Brazil, as well as the reduced number of black women characters, mainly as narrators or protagonists. This makes even more important short stories such as “Maria” and “Rosa Maria Rosa” from Conceição Evaristo’s short stories books, Olhos d’água (Watery eyes - 2014) and História de leves enganos e parecenças (History of small misleadings and similarities - 2016) respectively. Our objective is to analyze the female character in the short stories mentioned above, with special attention to the weight of their own bodies, that is, as black people and women, in a society still plenty of prejudice and discrimination. We observe that the writer, besides highlighting those individuals in the margins, also problematizes the construction of stereotypes that passed to the nation history, bringing to literature another point of view, and another perspective. The theoretical approaches that support this research are the studies by Ascroft, Griffiths & Tiffin (2007), Chandra Mohanty (2002) and Elizabeth Grosz (2000).Downloads
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