The versed mandinga of Capoeira Angola


  • Carla Alves de Carvalho Yahn Universidade Estadual Paulista.



Capoeira Angola, songs, Afro-brazilian poetry, Literatura de cordel


Capoeira Angola is an expression of popular and ancestral knowledge transmitted by its songs, myths and foundations. We will try to put in evidence the relationship between it and contemporary Afro-Brazilian literature, as it occurs, for instance, in Literatura de Cordel. As it happens with Capoeira, the Literatura de Cordel has characters such as Pedro Cem, Riachão, Besouro, Pedro Mineiro, Valente Vilela, Zumbi, among others as themes of many of its verses.


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Author Biography

Carla Alves de Carvalho Yahn, Universidade Estadual Paulista.

Master's student in Literature at Universidade Estadual Paulista.


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How to Cite

Yahn, Carla Alves de Carvalho. “The Versed Mandinga of Capoeira Angola”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 17, no. 1, Dec. 2009, pp. 135-4, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2009v17p135.

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