“Amor à mineira”: culture of consumption and traits of Minas Gerais culture in the commemorations of the Valentine’s Day
Culture of consumption, Valentine’s Day, Culture of Minas GeraisAbstract
This paper presents results of an empirical research conducted with the objective of analyzing the links between the consumption and the cultural universe of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the context of celebrations of an important date of the retail trade – Valentine’s Day. In the review of the literature, discussions about the characteristics of the consumption culture, the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) and traits of the Minas Gerais culture were considered. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted with the help of a semi-structured interview script, whose transcriptions were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. The results allow us to affirm that Valentine’s Day is loaded with positive feelings, characteristic of romanticism involving the date, something that is represented by the striking presence of the words “affection”, “attention”, “care”, “love”, “affection”, “feeling”, among others. It was also noticed the presence of both acts and behaviors linked to the presence of gifts and experiential aspects of consumption directly linked to all these feelings. In parallel, characteristic features of the Minas Gerais culture were identified as attachment to traditions, parsimony and sobriety. All this seems to confirm the notion that both the culture of consumption and the culture of Minas Gerais permeate that date.Downloads
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