Evaluation of urban permeability rates intra-lot assisted by RPA images
RPA- Remotely Piloted Aircraft, Urban Planning, Land Occupation, Permeable areaAbstract
The urbanization process of the municipality of Irati-PR occurred in an intense and accelerated way, being unavoidable the ground waterproofing through buildings, pavements of the streets, walks and patios. Due to this process, several factors of the natural environment are modified, for example, the soil reduces the infiltration capacity, implying an increase in the surface runoff rate and its velocity, contributing significantly to floods occurrence. Therefore, the work objective is to evaluate the urban environmental quality in a neighborhood of the Irati city, Paraná State, using very high spatial resolution images. The vectorization technique on screen allows mapping the permeable areas within the lots and estimating in square kilometers their occupation. With the percentage of permeability, the comparison with the minimum permeability rate required by municipal legislation can be carried out. The study result showed that of the 82 lots analyzed, 47.56% are irregular with the legislation. Through the results obtained, the conditions of each court were evaluated concerning the confrontation with the current legislation.
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