Interference of vehicle frequency sound pressure levels on the density of green areas: a case study in Irati, Paraná

Interference of vehicle frequency sound pressure levels on the density of green areas: a case study in Irati, Paraná




noise monitoring, urban forest, high resolution orbital imaging, proximity analysis


Noise is a problem of modern society and is an environmental pollutant caused by industrial activities, traffic, among others which can cause health problems. As such, this work aims to evaluate the potential for urban green areas to be used as a noise attenuating barriers. For this purpose, a proximity analysis was performed between noise samples measured in 10 locations in urban areas, considering the density of green areas and the density of vehicle traffic. Mapping by class of urban noise traffic levels, of green areas, was carried out around 10 sample points and the respective rates of green areas were calculated using orbital images of high spatial resolution. For the same areas, urban traffic densities were calculated. The attenuating influence of noise due to the presence of higher or lower rates of urban green areas was evaluated. They were characterized as arboreal green areas that can serve as vertical green noise-attenuating barriers, along with providing interference due to the frequency and density of vehicular traffic. Thus, statistical relationships were sought between the noise levels found within their different degrees of urbanization. The results showed that the high frequency of vehicles, both at 100 and 250 meters away from the sampling points, influenced the noise with greater intensity and that the green arboreal areas reduced noise marginally. Although this reduction was not significant.


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Author Biographies

André de Souza Toniolo, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste - Unicentro

Environmental Engineer, IAT, Ponta Grossa, PR

Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - Unicentro

Prof. Dr., Dept. Environmental Engineering, UNICENTRO, Irati, PR

Kelly Geronazzo Martins, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste - Unicentro

Prof. Dr., Dept. Environmental Engineering, UNICENTRO, Irati, PR

Juliana De Conto, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste - Unicentro

Prof. Dra, Dept. Speech Therapy, UNICENTRO, Irati, PR


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How to Cite

Toniolo, A. de S., Oliveira Filho, P. C. de, Martins, K. G., & Conto, J. D. (2022). Interference of vehicle frequency sound pressure levels on the density of green areas: a case study in Irati, Paraná. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 43(2), 179–188.



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