Application of Design Thinking in Solving a Complex Structural Engineering Problem
Design Thinking, structural engineering, foundations, structural strengtheningAbstract
Design Thinking (DT) may be understood as a strategic framework for problem-solving, applied to the most diverse areas of knowledge, which strongly stimulates creativity and, consequently, innovation. Since structural engineering is often characterized by the solitary and individualistic work of structural engineers, the present work aims to present the main characteristics of DT applied to this specific area, thus stimulating a collective work process. Given that DT is a highly interactive process, this approach is always guided by collaboration, experimentation and empathy. In this way, when there is a meeting of professionals with diverse backgrounds working together, there is a complementation of knowledge, which stimulates the creation of better answers than would be obtained individually. Thus, in order to illustrate the potential of DT, a complex structural engineering problem was selected to apply this approach. It can be concluded that the use of DT, combined with specific knowledge, enabled the attainment of an economic, efficient and creative solution for an extremely emergency situation.
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