BERTugues: A Novel BERT Transformer Model Pre-trained for Brazilian Portuguese
large language models, LLMs, BERT, NLP, foundation modelsAbstract
Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained for English or multilingual versions, with superior performance in English. This disparity occurs because, in the training of multilingual models, only a relatively small amount of data is added for each additional language. Consequently, while these models can function in Portuguese, their performance is suboptimal. The first BERT model (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) specifically trained for Brazilian Portuguese was BERTimbau in 2020, which enhanced performance across various text-related tasks. We followed the training approach of BERT/BERTimbau for BERTugues, while implementing several improvements. These included removing rarely used characters in Portuguese from the tokenizer, such as oriental characters, resulting in the addition of over 7,000 new tokens. As a result, the average length of sentence representations was reduced from 3.8 words with more than one token to 3.0, which positively impacted embedding performance by improving metrics relevant to classification problems. Two additional enhancements involved embedding emojis as tokens - an essential step for capturing conversational nuances - and filtering low-quality texts from the training dataset. These modifications improved performance across various tasks, raising the average F1 score from 64.8 % in BERTimbau to 67.9 % in BERTugues.
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