Performance of warm recycling mixtures and their influence on the design of asphalt layer

Performance of warm recycling mixtures and their influence on the design of asphalt layer




Reclaimed asphalt pavement, Recycled concrete aggregate, Resilient modulus, Fatigue life, Mechanistic analysis


The main purpose is to evaluate the performance of asphalt regarding resilient modulus and fatigue curve.The asphalt was produced with two wastes, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), using the technique of warm mixtures. The evaluation includes, based on these parameters, the thickness differences in the design of asphalt layer for each mixture. Five asphalt mixtures were produced with incorporation of RAP and RCA, in different gradation fractions (fine and/or course), without adding any natural aggregate. In view of the aim of the article, the mixtures were evaluated through tests of resilient modulus and fatigue life, in order to support the design, establishing the necessary thickness to meet traffic demands of each mixture. The design was performed using MeDiNa software. Among all results, it is highlighted that asphalt binder content is the component that exerts the greatest influence on the resilient modulus of the mixtures. As for fatigue, in addition to the binder content, the possible anchoring of the asphalt binder in the pores of the RCA may have favored the performance of the GARC_MRAP mixture. Still, all mixtures with RAP, both in fine or course fraction, resulted in lower coating thicknesses compared to the REF, for the same load request, with better performance of the GARC_MRAP mixture produced with 100 % waste material and incorporation of only 3.1 % neat binder.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Gadler, Universidade de São Paulo

Doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Transport Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Universidade de São Paulo - USP.

Leonardo Fagundes Rosemback Miranda, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD in Civil Engineering from the Universidade de São Paulo. Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraná.

Joe Villena, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD in Civil Engineering from theUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Professor at the Department of Transport at the Universidade Federal do Paraná.


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How to Cite

Gadler, F., Miranda, L. F. R., & Villena, J. (2020). Performance of warm recycling mixtures and their influence on the design of asphalt layer. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 41(2), 157–170.



Original Article