Shear Strength of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete Beams
self-compacting concrete, shear, synthetic fibers, concrete structures, beamsAbstract
Self-compacting concrete has constructive advantages over conventional concrete, such as reducing labor and construction time, mainly because of its fluidity in the fresh state. However, in the hardened state, it maintains low performance when tensioned, and the fibers can be added to the mixture, maintaining a portion of the resistance after cracking. Steel fibers are usually added to concrete, but recently synthetic fibers have been used, due to their lower cost and non-corrosive nature, but with lower tensile strength. Thus, by combining the two types of fibers, the benefits of each material can be used. This work presents the results of an experimental program to evaluate the effect of the hybridization of metallic and synthetic fibers on the shear strength of self-compacting concrete beams without stirrups. The results demonstrate that both steel and hybrid fibers result in greater shear strength compared with the reference concrete without fibers before shear crack formation; however, the greatest advantages are attributed to post-cracking residual strength. The experimental results were compared with estimates calculated using equations published in the literature, demonstrating the feasibility of using some existing equations for concretes with the addition of hybrid fibers.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Isabela Ereno da Silva, Isabela de Gois Laufer, Gustavo Savaris, Rodnny Jesus Mendoza-Fakhye, Carlos Eduardo Tino Balestra, Ana Claudia Bergmann

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