Detection of self-compacting concrete bleeding through ultrasonic wave analysis
Self-compacting concrete represents an advance in concrete technology, combining performance, uniformity, and other requirements that cannot be achieved with vibrated concrete. The main characteristic of this kind of concrete is its flowability, obtained using fine materials, viscosity modifiers, and superplasticizer additives. However, the excessive use of superplasticizer makes the mixture susceptible to segregation and bleeding, changing its mechanical properties in the hardened state. Currently, non-destructive tests (NDT) are used to evaluate concrete’s physical and mechanical properties, without causing damage to the analyzed element. Ultrasonography stands out, which makes it possible to evaluate the homogeneity of the concrete through the ultrasonic pulse velocity. Recent studies show that the waveform can bring potentially more effective parameters in the analysis of non-homogeneous concretes. In this context, the present study evaluated the properties of a self-compacting concrete mix with two dosages of superplasticizer additive, using ultrasonic wave parameters to identify concrete bleeding. Results showed that the group velocity and the energy propagated through the material are parameters sensitive to variations in the uniformity of the concrete, demonstrating its capacity to detect concrete bleeding.
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