Correlation and contrasts between agronomic and physical traits of grain in transgenic and conventional corn hybrids for the food industry
Flotation, Grits, Germ, Vitreousness, Zea mays.Abstract
The food industry is very interested in high-yield ingredients to enrich and develop new products that have an affordable value for the population. This work aimed to determine the correlations and contrasts between grain physical and agronomic traits of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids cultivated in the first crop season. The experiments were installed in the 2017/18, 2018/19, and 2019/20 crop seasons in Guarapuava - PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with eight hybrids (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, and DKB290) and three replications. The agronomic traits, such as the percentage of rot grains, 1000-grain mass, and grain yield, also the physical traits of grains for industrial purposes, such as grits, germ, vitreousness, flotation, and hectoliter weight, were evaluated. There is a positive correlation between grits and flotation. The choice of hybrids for the food industry based on vitreousness positively favors flotation. The grits showed a positive correlation with hectoliter weight and a negative correlation with the incidence of rot grains. Vitreousness was influenced by the choice of conventional or transgenic hybrid and crop season. The environments of the crop seasons influence the grain yield, 1000-grain mass, and rot grain incidence of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids.
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