Ozonation of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.): saturation and decomposition kinetics of ozone and physiological quality of seeds





Germination, Half-life, Saturation concentration, Saturation time, Seed treatment.


Ozonation has been evaluated as an alternative method for seed treatment. In this context, the goal of this study was to evaluate the saturation process and kinetics of decomposition of ozone in a porous medium composed of quinoa BRS Syetetuba and possible changes in seed quality. Ozone concentration and saturation time in the porous medium and half-life were determined by adopting an inlet ozone concentration of 885 ppm and a flow rate of 5.0 L min-1 at 25 °C. The ozonation periods adopted were 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. Regarding the physiological quality of the seeds, the germination percentage, germination speed index, electrical conductivity, and length of the shoot, root, and normal seedlings were analyzed. At the inlet ozone concentration of 885 ppm and a flow rate of 5.0 L min-1, the saturation concentration and saturation time in the porous medium composed of quinoa were 522.5 ppm and 12.0 min, respectively. The half-life of ozone in the porous medium was 6.08 min at 25 °C. Under these conditions, ozonation did not affect the physiological quality of quinoa BRS Syetetuba seeds for up to 120 min.


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Author Biographies

Ernandes Rodrigues de Alencar, University of Brasília

Associate Professor, Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, University of Brasília, UnB, Brasília, DF, Brazil.

Wilson Anchico Jojoa, University of Brasília

Doctoral Student of the Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, UnB, Brasília, DF, Brazil.

Karine Noronha Silva, University of Brasília

Master’s Student of the Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, UnB, Brasília, DF, Brazil.

Nara Oliveira Silva Souza, University of Brasília

Associate Professor, Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, University of Brasília, UnB, Brasília, DF, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Alencar, E. R. de, Jojoa, W. A., Silva, K. N., & Souza, N. O. S. (2021). Ozonation of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.): saturation and decomposition kinetics of ozone and physiological quality of seeds. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 42(3), 1019–1032. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2021v42n3p1019




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