Chewing activity of dairy cows fed diets based in sunflower cake


  • Elzânia Sales Pereira Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Patrícia Guimarães Pimentel Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Maria Socorro de Souza Carneiro Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Ivone Yurika Mizubuti Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • José Nery Rocha Junior Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Marcus Roberto Góes Ferreira Costa Universidade Federal do Ceará



Chewing, Feeding rate, Feeding time, Rumination time.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of sunflower cake (SC) on nutrient intake and ingestive behavior in lactating cows. Eight multiparous Holstein x Zebu cows, between 50 and 74 lactation days and 20 ± 2 kg of milk per day, were allocated in a 4 x 4 double latin square design, where the factors were four inclusion levels of SC (0; 7; 14 and 21%). Tifton 85 hay was used as forage in a 60:40 ratio of forage: concentrate. There was no detectable effect of the inclusion of SC (P > 0.05) on dry matter, crude protein and organic matter intake. However, ether extract and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake, showed linear and quadratic effect (P < 0.05), respectively. The time spent ruminating, idling and standing was not altered by addition of SC to the rations, but the time spent in food and water intake was linearly influenced (P < 0.05). Rumination efficiency, expressed in gDM/h and gNDF/h, the total chewing time, number of ruminal bolus and number of chews per day did not differ significantly, except for feeding efficiency that varied of quadratic way (P < 0.05). In a feeding management, if there is availability, it is recommended the use of sunflower cake up to 21% inclusion in the concentrate ration of dairy cows.


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Author Biographies

Elzânia Sales Pereira, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Profª Drª do Deptºde Zootecnia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC. Pesquisadora do CNPq.

Patrícia Guimarães Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Pesquisadora PRODOC/CAPES do Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC.

Maria Socorro de Souza Carneiro, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Profª Drª do Deptº de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC.

Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Prof. Dr. do Deptº de Zootecnia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, UEL. Pesquisadores do CNPq.

José Nery Rocha Junior, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Aluno do Curso de Graduação em Zootecnia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC.

Marcus Roberto Góes Ferreira Costa, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Aluno do Programa de Doutorado Integrado em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal rural de Pernambuco, UFRPE/UFC/UFPB.



How to Cite

Pereira, E. S., Pimentel, P. G., Carneiro, M. S. de S., Mizubuti, I. Y., Ribeiro, E. L. de A., Rocha Junior, J. N., & Costa, M. R. G. F. (2011). Chewing activity of dairy cows fed diets based in sunflower cake. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 32(3), 1201–1210.




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