Meaning of innovation: the role of education in design and the possibility of a sustainable society




Inovação, Significado, Educação, Interdisciplinaridade.


This article will address a different way to innovate through design, and are based on the following change of perspective: design user-centered to centered design meaning. The research developed is about: what is the role of education in design to promote innovations that contribute to a sustainable society? That said, the goal to be discussed is to point out the role of education in Design in promoting innovations that contribute to a sustainable society and also to identify the possibilities, unexplored, to generate innovation through design. For its realization, it created a literature review and reflection guided up the works of Manzini and Vezolli (2005), Verganti (2007; 2009), Fontoura (2011) and other authors in line with the theme. It was found that innovation can be achieved with less investment, since the company acquires the ability to perceive the meaning people attach to products / services. Still, it is suggested that the change in the current educational process may favor the formation of designers who will apply this new perspective of innovation. Moreover, envisions the construction of a sustainable.

Author Biographies

Humberto Costa, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Centro Universitário Curitiba - Unicuritiba.

Doutorando em Design pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Professor no Centro Universitário Curitiba - Unicuritiba. Professor do curso de Publicidade na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUC-PR.

Ana Leocádia de Souza Brum Donikian Gouveia, Centro Universitário Curitiba - Unicuritiba.

Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Organizações pela FAE. Diretora Técnica do Centro Brasil Design, delegada representante do Design no CNPC/Ministério da Cultura e Coordenadora do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Design Gráfico no Centro Universitário Curitiba – Unicuritiba.

Arabella Natal Galvão da Silva, Centro Universitário Curitiba - Unicuritiba.

Mestre em Tecnologia pela Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Professora no Centro Universitário Curitiba – Unicuritiba, no curso de Design Gráfico e no MBA em Business Design, e pesquisadora na Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Paraná (FIEP).


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How to Cite

Costa, H., Gouveia, A. L. de S. B. D., & Silva, A. N. G. da. (2017). Meaning of innovation: the role of education in design and the possibility of a sustainable society. Projetica, 7(2), 71–86.


