Rehabilitation of historical and cultural interest edification and Santa Catarina’s fashion identity


  • Douglas Heidtmann Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC (Laguna)
  • Ariella Moreira Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC (Laguna)



History, Culture, Identity, Fashion of Santa Catarina


This paper seeks to present the study developed for architectural project of a Bureau of Style on historical and cultural interests building located in Joinville/Santa Catarina. The developed study emerged from a proposal of joining the built heritage that presents eclectic language to the Santa Catarina Fashion; sector recognized nationally by its textile production, although faces one issue about consolidating its identity. In such a context, due to the concern related to the lack of locations to creation, research and to disseminate the state fashion, emerge the idea of a Bureau of Style as an alternative of incentive. To guarantee that this proposal occurs in a substantiated way , this study revised the concepts such as Bureau of Style, relationship between fashion and architecture, fashion of Santa Catarina, textile heritage, rehabilitation, as well, analysis of a pre-existing building and its urban surroundings. It was possible to develop a architectural project motivated by project guidelines, following the distinguishable and reversibility principle, as well, the proposal of a outbuilding established by contemporary language, respecting the architectonic language of the pre-existing building. This study and project are results of a Course Conclusion Paper of Santa Catarina State University for the Architectural course.

Author Biographies

Douglas Heidtmann, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC (Laguna)

Doctor by the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering at UFSC. Professor at UDESC

Ariella Moreira, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC (Laguna)

Architect and Urban Planner graduated from the University of the State of Santa Catarina – UDESC


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How to Cite

Heidtmann, D., & Moreira, A. (2015). Rehabilitation of historical and cultural interest edification and Santa Catarina’s fashion identity. Projetica, 6(2), 158–171.



Edição Especial | IDEMI 2015