The role of design in production and culture of crafts with natural dyes and looms of Carmo do Rio Claro-MG/FURNAS




Surface design textile, Design, Natural dyes, Crafts


In this study, it was proposed a general objective theoretically analyze the role of design in production and culture of folk crafts. Focused on the creation of popular textile surfaces and their role in the design process of collection and analysis of native natural dyes for the production of regional weavings, the city of Carmo do Rio Claro-Furnas. As a general procedure to map the literature and documentation of local plant species, was reviewed, traditionally used to obtain dyes and weaving application. Sequentially conducted field observations and interviews also employed a questionnaire to understand the popular uses of this raw material from local artisans. The results of analysis showed the sustainable nature of this process and its relevance to the preservation of local and regional cultural identity

Author Biographies

Patrícia Nascimento Iamamura, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Master's student in Textile and Fashion at the University of São Paulo -USP

Antonio Takao Kanamaru, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

PhD in the area of design from FAU/USP. Prof.-Dr. at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities-EACH/USP


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How to Cite

Iamamura, P. N., & Kanamaru, A. T. (2014). The role of design in production and culture of crafts with natural dyes and looms of Carmo do Rio Claro-MG/FURNAS. Projetica, 4(2), 111–124.



Design para Sustentabilidade

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