Fashion and Sustainability: Proposal of product-service system for Apparel Industry
Sustainability, Product-service system, Design, Clothing, FashionAbstract
This article presents a conceptual proposal of a product-service system (PSS) for the clothing sector, encompassing the economic, environmental and social dimensions. Among environmental issues, are the minimization of waste materials and environmental impacts of the production process and the reuse of raw materials previously used and commercialized. Regarding the economic aspects were considered the reduction of financial expenditures with resources, and the creation of competitive advantage through PSS proposals. In the social dimension, the focus was to promote behavior change by proposing a new scenario of consumption for the Sector. The research method was the case study, carried out in a clothing company, located in the city of Londrina, in Paraná state, Brazil. After collecting and evaluating qualitative and quantitative data about the sector and the studied company, it was proposed new scenarios that foresee the conception of a new collection of fashion products, by reusing the raw material of products that had already been commercialized, as well as new habits and consumption patterns for fashion products.Downloads
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