Information organization, representation and retrieval: creation of the monographic database of the Cariri Federal University biblioteconomy course


  • Maria Vanessa do Nascimento Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)
  • Denysson Axel Ribeiro Mota Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)
  • Gracy Kelli Martins Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)



Representation and retrieval of information and knowledge, Data base, Monographs


Introduction: as it has been an activity present in society since antiquity, the organization, representation and consequently the retrieval of information and knowledge have become essential daily practices. The area of Library Science, having in its theoretical and practical scope subjects that aim to teach techniques of organization and representation can greatly help in the organization of part of this information even during the process of building institutional repositories.
Objective: Present the creation of the monographic database of the Federal University of Cariri Library Library course, by approaching the processes of representation and retrieval of information and knowledge in the construction of institutional repositories.
Methodology: The methods were bibliographic and descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. We used the procedures of elaboration of Entity-Relationship Diagram and subsequent modeling of the Database in MS Access, due to the ease of use and creation of screens. Results: The database created brings benefits and representation elements that in traditional institutional repositories do not contain, allowing differentiated analyzes within the course.
Conclusions: The use of information representation and retrieval techniques, combined with technologies, made possible the construction of the representation of the monographic database of the Librarianship Course from the Federal University of Cariri. This can enable the subsequent construction of an Institutional Repository that gathers the scientific and memory data of the Course monographs.


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Author Biographies

Maria Vanessa do Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

Master's student in Library Science, by the Postgraduate Program in Library Science (PPGB) at the Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA).

Denysson Axel Ribeiro Mota, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

PhD in Information Science from the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor at the Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA).

Gracy Kelli Martins, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

PhD from the Post-Graduate Program in Information Science at the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). Professor at the Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA).


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO, Maria Vanessa do; MOTA, Denysson Axel Ribeiro; MARTINS, Gracy Kelli. Information organization, representation and retrieval: creation of the monographic database of the Cariri Federal University biblioteconomy course. Informação@Profissões, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 85–103, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/2317-4390.2019v8n2p85. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 feb. 2025.




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