Knowledge infrastructure and the role of the digital library in the data management
Knowledge infrastructure, Digital libraries, Data managementAbstract
Introduction: The primary research data are generated and collected by various means and constitute a key factor in its development, especially when empirical. From the management of this data emerges the growing need for planning and investments in a specific knowledge infrastructure that can have in digital libraries an important component of these new scenarios.
Objective: This article presents the main requirements for the knowledge infrastructure for data management and the possible role of the digital library as a support element.
Methodology: We used bibliographical research on knowledge infrastructure and digital libraries with a qualitative approach to the discussion of themes.
Results: Requirements for knowledge infrastructure for data management and the potential contributions of digital libraries are presented. Conclusion: The requirements for knowledge infrastructure present adherence to characteristics of digital libraries, which may justify their participation in data management. Descriptors: Knowledge infrastructure. Digital libraries. Data management.
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