Reading Club In the School Library: instruction manual




Mediator from reading, Reading Club, Teenage readers the school


Introduction: This present study addresses some considerations about the act of reading of the adolescent learner, the role of the reading facilitator in the school library and their actions to keep the student a reader and to gain new readers. Based on this context, we proposed the creation of a Reading Club as a mechanism capable of bringing reading, readers and the reading mediator together so the school library becomes a living organism inside the school.
Objective: To propose a mechanism that can encourage reading in the school library, as well as subsidize the mediator of reading in youth initiation to the taste of reading.
Methodology: Bibliographical studies of literature dealing with the creation and maintenance of a book club, as well as the approach of the terms: reading and mediator of reading in the school library.
Results: The elaboration of a manual with instructions for the creation and maintenance of a Reading Club in the school library with a mission, values, a vision, rules and regulations, as well as, suggestions of books and movies which can subsidize the reading mediators.
Conclusions: It points to the necessity of the preparation of the school librarian since the librarian is the person who is in charge of the library, they should be a professional reference in the act of reading and one of the responsible for the formation and maintenance of readers.

Author Biographies

Sueli Bortolin, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

PhD in Information Science from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/Marília). Professor of the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL).

Zineide Pereira dos Santos, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

Specialist in School Library Management from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). Librarian at the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR/Campus Paranavaí).


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How to Cite

Bortolin, S., & Santos, Z. P. dos. (2015). Reading Club In the School Library: instruction manual. Informação@Profissões, 3(1-2), 147–172.


