Analysis of culturally marked terms in Relato de um certo Oriente and The Tree of the Seventh Heaven


  • Patrícia Dias Reis Frisene Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto
  • Diva Cardoso de Camargo Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto



Brazilian Literature, Translation, Milton Hatoum


This paper presents some results of a study on culturally marked terms in a corpus composed by the Brazilian novel Relato de um certo oriente (1989), by Milton Hatoum, and its translation into English The tree of the seventh heaven, by Ellen Watson. For the analysis of culturally marked terms, we followed the interdisciplinary approach proposed by Camargo (2005, 2007) involving corpus-based translation studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000), and the investigations of cultural domains (NIDA, 1945; AUBERT, 1981, 2006). The methodology adopted in the present research required the software WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2007), which provides the necessary resources for the collection of data in a corpus of translated texts. The software tool called WordList was used for the selection of the most frequent words in the texts and also for the identification of the culturally marked terms. For the analysis of the culturally marked terms in both texts we used the software tool Concord. The results revealed that most of the culturally marked terms are inserted in the ecological domain, and the other terms are distributed in the domains of material, social and ideological culture, which reflects the theme of the book.

Author Biographies

Patrícia Dias Reis Frisene, Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto

Doctoral student of the Linguistic Studies Program at the Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto

Diva Cardoso de Camargo, Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto

Adjunct Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto


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How to Cite

FRISENE, Patrícia Dias Reis; CAMARGO, Diva Cardoso de. Analysis of culturally marked terms in Relato de um certo Oriente and The Tree of the Seventh Heaven. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 10, n. 1, p. 55–68, 2010. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2010v10n1p55. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


