Didactic infographic and its sociocommunicative purpose in English reading instruction: a multimodal and systemic-functional perspective
didactic infographic, multimodality, genre-based pedagogyAbstract
Considering the importance of multimodal literacy development, this study aims to provide a general analysis of a didactic infographic and the instructions guiding the multimodal reading of this text in a textbook. The theoretical and methodological foundations of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday; Matthiessen, 2014; Fuzer; Cabral, 2014), Genre-based Pedagogy from the Sydney School (Martin; Rose, 2008; Rose; Martin, 2012), and the multimodal approach of Visual Design Grammar (Kress; Van Leeuwen, 2021; Kress, 2010) allowed for a qualitative study that revealed the use of image, verbiage, and intermodal articulation in constructing meanings in the infographic. The identified socio-communicative purpose was to Explain, mainly through Conditional Explanations. The instructions for multimodal reading focus on the participant "you," directed at the student, who is invited to engage in creative and cognitive actions instantiated, respectively, by material and mental processes. However, the analysis identified a gap in the effective reading approach of multimodal elements leading to the socio-communicative purpose of the text, requiring teacher intervention. This study proposes contributions to teacher training, emphasizing the possibility of exploring multimodality in textual genres and considering it to develop literacy.
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