Aplicativo RAL: realidade Aumentada (RA) no ensino e aprendizagem de línguas adicionais
This work consists of presenting Augmented Reality (AR) technology and its applicability in the field of education, especially in language learning. With this, the objective is to present the creation of the RAL application, which aims to translate words into additional languages through 3D images (3 Dimensions). Therefore, throughout the work, technologies in education, the advantages and challenges of AR in the educational space and its theoretical contribution to ergodic learning advocated by Leffa and Beviláqua (2020) will be discussed. AR in language teaching and learning will also be emphasized and, finally, a brief description of the creation of the RAL application. In this project we use the DBR (Design-Based Research) methodology, also known as development research and, according to Nobre (2017), consists of investigating, studying the literature and developing a theoretical framework for the development of an innovative practice (especially technological) for educational improvement. In this way, with the creation of the RAL Application, there is a new possibility of learning vocabulary in additional languages, and it can be a significant tool for vocabulary retention as it combines words and images.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Angelise Fagundes da Silva, Marcus Vinícius Liessem Fontana, Emanuele Krewer
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