Literature in focus: comprehension and didactic practices in Foreign Language teacher training in foreign languages


  • Viviana Amaro Graduating in Letters/University of Latin American Integration
  • Mariana Cortez Professor/University of Latin American Integration
  • Franciele Maria Martiny Professor/University of Latin American Integration



Literature. Teacher Education. Teacher Training. Foreign Languages’ Teaching.


This article discusses panish teacher’s development teacher development the formation in “Letras – Espanhol e Português como Línguas Estrangeiras” career in a university located in the region of the triple border (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay). The qualitative research problematized how the future teachersteachesr understands artistic expressions as a way of teaching and methodological approachesodds for future teaching interventions. The research focused on the analysis of the Literature and Teaching students’ reading path; the shared study of two theoretical-methodological proposals: literary literacy (COSSON, 2006, 2014) and the reading circle (CHAMBERS, 2007a, 2007b); and lesson the work plans for teaching practices. The material was collected consists of from the study about audiovisual material produced by the students: 1) the reader path, which goal was to know the students' repertoiresrepertory and 2) video lessons videoclass, using literature in foreign language classes.  The Data analysis reveals that led family’s influence on initial contact with literature and the role of the basic school in the formation of the literary reader.  In addition, we observed verified in the video lessons classes the teachers’ change of perspective in connection with literature’s presence in foreign language classes, since we considered artistic manifestations beyond the study of grammar or as a cultural curiosity.


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Author Biographies

Viviana Amaro, Graduating in Letters/University of Latin American Integration

Graduating in Letters - Spanish and Portuguese as foreign languages at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). Develops projects in the area of Literature Teaching.

Mariana Cortez, Professor/University of Latin American Integration

University professor in the area of Letters and Linguistics at the University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), with research and extension in teaching literature, children's literature and interfaces between languages and literature. Master in Semiotics and general linguistics and Doctor in Letters at the "Universidade de São Paulo" (USP)

Franciele Maria Martiny, Professor/University of Latin American Integration

University professor in the area of Letters and Linguistics at the University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), with research and extension projects aimed at the Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina triple-border community. Graduated in Portuguese/German Letters, Master and Doctor in Letters at the "Universidade Estadual do Oeste de Paraná" (UNIOESTE).


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How to Cite

AMARO, Viviana; CORTEZ, Mariana; MARTINY, Franciele Maria. Literature in focus: comprehension and didactic practices in Foreign Language teacher training in foreign languages. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 22, n. 1, p. 145–163, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2022v22n1p145. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.




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