The “dutch” and the “brazilians” from Arapoti/PR: the cultural (re)negotiation in the food
, Cultural (re)negotiation, Memory, Dutch immigrantsAbstract
A group of families from Holland after a long trip by ship adn bus, landed in Arapoti/Pr on 09 June. Since the founding of the Dutch Colony of Arapoti [of wich the researcher is a part], these families relate in one way or another to brazilians already living in the city. In this sociolinguistically complex contexto, therefore, wich involves intercultural dialogues (GARCIA CANCLINI, 2013; JANZEN, 2005), this work, a cut of a máster’s research, seeks understand through oral histories and other languages – language as kaleidoscope (CÉSAR; CAVALCANTI, 2007) – for wich the reminicences of the memories also manifest themselves (JOUTARD, 2008; POLLAK, 1989; PORTELLI, 2000), as do cultural (re)negotiations between these Dutch and Brazilians in the food. In order to do so, affiliated with inter/trans aplied linguistics, the work is based on the notion of inter-place (BHAHBA, 2013), with the flexibilization of the imagined community concept (ANDERSON, 2008; HOBSBAWM, 1990) to think how these subjects mobilize the social imaginary in their discursive practices related to the food. Methodologically, the study was guided by a qualitative-interpretative ethnographic perspective. The results suggest that even in the face of a discussion engaged in subverting the traditional concept of culture, with regard to the processes of cultural hybridization, in food and its different languages, classifications (WOODWARD, 2009) continue to be based on binaries, although the processes of cultural hybridization, which are also constituted by cultural disagreements, are evident in the eating habits of these local subjects.
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