The multifunctionality of de repente: persistence and grammaticalization
De repente, Changing, GrammaticalizationAbstract
In this article we explain the trajectory of grammaticalization of de repente in Brazilian Portuguese, from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, according to the functionalist perspective, as proposed Diewald, 2002; Brinton and Traugott, 2006; Bybee, 2010; Traugott, 2011, among others. We intend to show that: (i) in all studied synchronicities de repente maintains its function, (ii) the employment of de repente as operator epistemic detected in data for the twentieth century, indicates a process of grammaticalization, driven by subjectification, (iii) there is evidence that the change goes toward the intersubjetification, with respect to its most recent use as a discourse marker. The analysis is based on data collected in the use of language, written and oral forms. Collect data written site Corpus of portuguese and oral language samples from the collection of Peul (Program of Studies on the Use of Language), called Amostra Censo.
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