Constructions of metathesis in Peruvian youth slang: an optimalistic analysis


  • Thayssa Taranto Universidade Federal Fluminense



Spanish Language, Slang, Optimality Theory, Metathesis


This article aims to demonstrate how the phenomenon of metathesis operates on lexical items from the Peruvian youth slang (called jeringa), using for it the theorical tools of Optimality Theory (GONÇALVES et al., 2009; CAGLIARI, 2002; COSTA, 2001). More specifically, we’ll demonstrate that certain linguistic forms emerge in the speech of its users over others seemingly possible. Metathesis is a formal process which consists in reordering of syllables or segments of a specific word (CRYSTAL, 1988) whose purpose may be obscure its real meaning (cryptic function), print on it new connotations (identity function) or simply "play" with the caller (playful function) (CALVET, 1994). As an example, we observe the use of the forms "cofla" and "dorima" instead of flaco (boy) and marido (husband), respectively. For this research we analyzed, based on restrictions hierarchically listed, two-syllable words extracted from the gossip column Ya fuiste, which is daily published in the Ajá tabloid, a widespread newspaper of high popular character in the Peruvian capital. Regarding the results of this research, we have found that the shapes analyzed obey both restrictions of the Spanish language as the phenomenon itself, being composed of only one syllable foot and have a limit regarding the reordering of its segments or syllables, since drastic rearrangements that would make the word unrecognizable to the speaker/listener, hampering their identification and, consequently, their acceptance by the same (HUME, 2001).


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Author Biography

Thayssa Taranto, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Master in Linguistics from Universidade Federal Fluminense


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How to Cite

TARANTO, Thayssa. Constructions of metathesis in Peruvian youth slang: an optimalistic analysis. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 13, n. 1, p. 420–440, 2013. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2013v13n1p420. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


