The IDHM of the brazilian municipalities under the perspective of the exploratory analysis of space data
Public sector, AEDE, Clusters, Longevity, Education, IncomeAbstract
The objective of the present study was to verify the changes in the spatial distribution of the Municipal Human Development Index (IDHM) among Brazilian municipalities in the years of 1991 and 2010. The indicator, associated with three-dimensional observation, longevity, education and income, allows the visualization of how much the progress of a municipality is fair. The research method consisted of exploratory spatial data analysis (AEDE), using transition matrices applied and presented by Rey (2001). The results showed the existence of positive spatial autocorrelation in the two analyzed years. The analysis of the spatial distribution revealed that 90.7% of the municipalities that were in the group of low development in 1991, remained in the same situation in 2010. The indicator of education was the one that evolved more in percentage terms, although in the absolute condition it has below the indicators of longevity and income. Taking into account the size of the municipalities, the units with low population, located mainly in the North and Northeast, and presented IDHM below the national average. In relation to the Brazilian capitals, the good levels of socioeconomic development were observed in the South, Southeast and Central-West regions.Downloads
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