Determinants and probability of first employment and reemployment in south region of Brazil




Probability of employment, First job and reemployment, Economic sectors


The present study aims to analyze the probability of insertion in the first job and reemployment in the formal and private labor market in the southern region of Brazil, based on data from the RAIS - Annual Social Information Report - of the Ministry of Labor and Employment 2013. The multinomial logit model was applied and the results found show a greater chance of absorption of female labor in the sectors of Trade and Services and of male work in the Agricultural and Industrial sectors. In the last two sectors, women are segregated in hiring, since they have the same masculine characteristics and the labor absorption of the sectors is masculine. Individuals with higher levels of education (higher level) are more likely to engage in the Services sector, where the average remuneration is higher. The chances of insertion of the individuals with low education were higher in the industry, showing the worse situation of the industries compared to the other sectors with respect to human capital.


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Author Biographies

Magno Rogério Gomes, Universidade Norte do Paraná - Unopar

Master in Regional Economics from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Professor at the Universidade Norte do Paraná .

Solange de Cassia Inforzato de Souza, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina..


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How to Cite

Gomes, M. R., & Souza, S. de C. I. de. (2016). Determinants and probability of first employment and reemployment in south region of Brazil. Economia & Região, 4(2), 85–107.




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