Depression and anxiety in chronic renal patients undergoing hemodialysis during the Covid-19 pandemic
Dialysis, Chronic Kidney Failure, Mental HealthAbstract
Objective: To investigate the Mildls of depression and anxiety in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease undergoing hemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mehtods: Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease undergoing hemodialysis treatment at a dialysis center located in Mato Grosso were included. Sociodemographic information and data on COVID-19 were collected, and the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories were administered. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on each variable and the scores obtained from the inventories. Results: Out of the total of 62 patients, 63.49% (n=40) showed indications of some Mildl of depression, with 17.74% at a moderate Mildl and 19.35% at a severe Mildl. Additionally, 49.21% (n=31) exhibited some Mildl of anxiety, with 19.35% at a moderate Mildl and 09.68% at a severe Mildl. The most frequent factors among those with some Mildl of anxiety or depression were: age over 50 years, low educational attainment, lack of a partner, and residing in a location different from the dialysis center. Conclusion: The results indicated significant Mildls of depression and anxiety among patients with Chronic Kidney Disease undergoing hemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of mental health care for this population.Descritores: Diálise, Insuficiência Renal Crônica, Saúde Mental.
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