From dream to reality: how to make an article publishable in scientific journals?

How to make an article publishable in scientific journals?




Publishing, Periodical, Journal Article


Conducting scientific research brings researchers the desire to publish in well-evaluated scientific journals, in addition to returning the results found to society, which is one of the obligations of researchers.

Although the dissemination of scientific advances discovered in an investigation is not something unattainable, this phase presents itself as a challenge for many researchers. On the one hand, there is the growing number of researches and, consequently, the submission of these researches for publication in scientific journals. On the other hand, there is the rigor and the necessary requirements of the editorial teams to publish the best articles in the journals under their responsibility, in order to bring scientific results to the academic community that contribute to the advancement of science.

It is in this scenario that publication in quality journals seems to be very difficult. For those who have little experience, making their research, in addition to being important for science, interesting for the reading of other researchers, may seem impossible, as scientific editors seek a manuscript that deals with unprecedented issues, present in the country's public policies, with feasible results for its application. Therefore, the task of publishing the results of scientific research requires dedication from the researcher.

Author Biographies

Rayane Nascimbeni Maldonado, State University of Londrina

Doctoral and master's nurse from the Graduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Londrina - UEL (2018). Specialist in Perioperative Nursing by the Residency Program in Nursing at the State University of Londrina (2018). Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Maringá (2015). She has experience in Perioperative Nursing, working in the Surgical Center, Sterilized Material Center and Post-Anesthetic Recovery Room. She also works in the area of Quality in Nursing, with emphasis on bed management and surgical schedule. Member of the Study Group on Management in Scientific Publishing and Occupational Health (GeeST), at the State University of Londrina.

Aline Franco da Rocha, State University of Londrina

Nurse, graduated in 2007 from UEM - State University of Maringá. During graduation she developed activities as a Human Physiology monitor and scientific initiation projects with a CNPq scholarship. Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing residency modality at UEL - State University of Londrina. Master in Experimental Pathology with emphasis on the study of insulin resistance by UEL. PhD in Health Sciences with emphasis in Endocrinology and Metabolism at UEL. Post doctorate in Nursing with emphasis on statistical analysis by UEL. Adjunct Professor A of the Undergraduate Nursing course in the area of Fundamentals of Nursing and the strictusensu Graduate Program in Nursing at the Department of Nursing at the State University of Londrina - UEL and the Residency Program in Urgency and Nursing at the same university. She has already worked as a professor in the areas of Health Services Management, Intensive Care, Urgency and Emergency, Adult Health, Microbiology and Pharmacology. Professor participating in the Study Group on Management in Scientific Publishing and Occupational Health (GeeST) at the State University of Londrina (UEL). She is a researcher at the Center for Studies in Occupational Health (NUESAT) at the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto-USP.liny

Helenize Ferreira Lima Leachi, State University of Londrina

Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Londrina (2003). Specialist in Emergency Nursing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2006). Specialist in Hospital Infection Control and Health Services from the State University of Londrina (2012). Master in Nursing from the State University of Londrina (2018). PhD in Nursing from the State University of Londrina. Postdoctoral fellow at the State University of Londrina. Professor of the Nursing course at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Scientific Editor of Advances in Nursing and Health. Member of the Management Studies Group in Scientific Publishing and Occupational Health (GeeST) at the State University of Londrina-PR. Member of the Worker's Health Studies Center (NUESAT) at the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing - USP - São Paulo.

Renata Perfeito Ribeiro, State University of Londrina

Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Londrina (1995). Specialization in Nursing in the Surgical Center and Material Center at the State University of Londrina (1996). Master's Degree in Health Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo / Escola Paulista de Medicina (2003). She has experience in Nursing in a Surgical Center and Materials and Sterilization Center, with an emphasis on Occupational Health, acting mainly in Occupational Health. She holds a PhD from the Interunit Program at the School of Nursing at the University of São Paulo-Ribeirão Preto. Post-Doctorate at the School of Nursing at the University of São Paulo - Ribeirão Preto - SP. She is a researcher at the Center for Studies in Occupational Health (NUESAT) at the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing - USP - São Paulo and leader of the Study Group on Management, Scientific Publishing and Occupational Health (GeeST) at the State University of Londrina (UEL ) - PR. Associate Professor level A of the Undergraduate Nursing course in the area of Health Services Management and the Stricto Senso Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Department of Nursing at the State University of Londrina (UEL) and Residency in Management of Health Services at State University of Londrina (UEL). Member of the Red Internacional de Enfermeria en Salud Ocupacional (REDENso). Member of the Network for the Prevention of Accidents at Work with Exposure to Biological Material (REPAT - EERP). Head of the Nursing Department at the State University of Londrina, in the 2018 to 2020 and 2020 to 2022 management. Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Nursing and Health (ANH), since 2019. Researcher in the following topics: Publishing, Occupational Health, Surgical Smoke. Patent Application: National Application for Invention, Utility Model, Certificate of Addition and Entry of the National Phase of the PCT, with Process Number: BR20 2022 014194 6.

From dream to reality: how to make an article publishable in scientific journals?



How to Cite

Nascimbeni Maldonado, R., Franco da Rocha, A., Ferreira Lima Leachi, H., & Perfeito Ribeiro, R. (2024). From dream to reality: how to make an article publishable in scientific journals? How to make an article publishable in scientific journals?. Advances in Nursing and Health, 6(1), 1–4.

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