Barriers to participation in cadiac rehabilitation programs: before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
Barriers to participation in cadiac rehabilitation programs
Barriers to Access of Health Services, Cardiac Rehabilitation, COVID-19, Health Services Accessibility, Longitudinal Studies, Telephone InterviewAbstract
Objevtive: Comparing perceived barriers to participation in cardiac rehabilitation programs before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Method: Observational, analytical, and longitudinal study conducted with 23 participants enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program, phases 2 and 3. Before the pandemic, participants responded to the 21 items of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Barriers Scale, scored from 21 to 105. with higher values indicating greater perception of barriers During the pandemic period, 18 (78%) participants responded again to the instrument. The paired t-test was used to compare the mean total score and the items of the instrument at the two time points. Results: The results show a decrease in the perception of barriers to participation in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program from the first to the second interview. When comparing the mean values, statistically significant differences were found for the total score of the Barrier Scale (p <0.001), for the total mean of the items (p <0.001), and for the means of 17 of the 21 items. Conclusion: The significantly lower scores in the second interview indicate that participants perceived fewer barriers to attending cardiac rehabilitation during the pandemic period than before when the service was operating regularly.
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