

  • Regina Célia dos Santos Alves
  • André Pinheiro





This dossier on "Landscape and its Literary Constructions" addresses the complex relationship between human action, environmental destruction, and reflection on the landscape. We highlight the apparent contradiction between the intensification of discourse on the landscape in contemporaneity and the simultaneous increase in environmental destruction. Geographer Augustin Berque proposes the concept of "landscape-thinking," emphasizing the visceral relationship between humans and the world expressed in landscapes.

The landscape is considered a record of human passage through the world, and its destruction would imply the loss of traces of ancestry and past experiences. However, "landscape-thinking" is seen as a relational form of interaction with the world, moving away from Cartesian dualism.

There is emphasis on the role of landscape representation in literature, from romantic archetypes to contemporary approaches that reflect environmental concerns. Landscape in literature is seen as an artistic expression that reveals the interconnection between humans and the environment. The seventeen studies address works by Portuguese and Brazilian authors, analyzing how the landscape relates to themes such as identity, migratory movement, subjectivity, and even political and environmental issues, revealing diverse values and meanings and promoting a consistent interpretation of the human condition.


BERQUE, Augustin. O Pensamento-paisagem. Trad. de Vladimir Bartalani e Camila Gomes Sant’Anna. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2023.

BESSE, Jean-Marc. O gosto do mundo. Exercícios de paisagem. Trad. de Anne Cambe. Rio de Janeiro: EDUERJ, 2014.

COLLOT, Michel. Poética e filosofia da paisagem. Trad. de Ida Alves et al. Rio de Janeiro: Oficina Raquel, 2013.



How to Cite

Alves, Regina Célia dos Santos, and André Pinheiro. “Foreword”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 43, no. 2, Dec. 2023, p. 6, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2023vol43n2p6.