On death: vulnerability and resistance in "Drive your plow over the bones of the dead"





violence, affection, animality


The present work purports to analyze Olga Tokarczuk’s Drive your plow over the bones of the dead (2019), by focusing on the relations between vulnerability and resistance. Through the lenses of Critical Animal Studies as well as Judith Butler, Erinn Gilson, and Sarat Colling’s perspectives on the subject, the article examines the protagonist’s insubordination as she confronts an especisiest, ableist, and heteropatriarchal society.

Author Biographies

Angela Lamas Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Professor Associado B da Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Doutorado em Letras (Literaturas em Língua Inglesa) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, (2005)

Anahí Gabriela González, Universidade Nacional de San Juan - UNSJ

Professora Titular de Ética de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan.
Doctora en Filosofía en cotutela por la Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis y la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, 2020.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, Angela Lamas; GONZÁLEZ, Anahí Gabriela. On death: vulnerability and resistance in "Drive your plow over the bones of the dead". Terra Roxa e Outras Terras: Revista de Estudos Literários, [S. l.], v. 42, n. 1, p. 7–22, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1678-2054.2022v42p7-22. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/terraroxa/article/view/46523. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.