Three verses and one coda: the haiku mutation in Brazil




Haiku, Guilherme de Almeida, Olga Savary, Paulo Leminski


This paper proposes to show some experimentation on Brazilian literature during the XX century, especially the poetry which had a relationship with the Japanese poetic tradition. The methodology that we adopted is the bibliographic research. The authors who subsidize our study will be: Paulo Franchetti, H. Masuda Goga, Paulo Leminski, Roland Barthes, Haruo Shirane e Teruko Oda. The focus of our investigation is on the poems of Guilherme de Almeida, Olga Savary and Paulo Leminski who related and maintained the poetical effects and techniques of traditional haiku. So, by the approaches on the traditional haiku, we will point some configurations which was helped these poets to create new forms for Brazilian haiku. On our analysis, we detached the metrics schemes and the elite moment by Guilherme de Almeida, the dialog of Paulo Leminski with the Matsuo Basho’s aesthetic procedures, that produces the haiku effect on Portuguese language, and the addition of a fourth verse on the Olga Savary’s poems to extend the effect of haiku on the language.


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Author Biographies

Samuel Delgado Pinheiro, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Master of Arts from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo.

Eliane Cristina Testa, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Master of Arts from Universidade Estadual de Londrina. PhD in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Professor of Portuguese Literature at the Course of Letters, Universidade Federal do Tocantins.


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BLYTH, Reginald Horace. Haiku - Spring. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1981.

CAMPOS, Haroldo de. A arte no horizonte do provável. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1972.

FRANCHETTI, Paulo. Dois momentos na história do haicai no Brasil. Anais do IV Encontro nacional de professores universitários de língua, literatura e cultura japonesa, São Paulo, vol. IV, p. 157 – 167, 1994.

FRANCHETTI, Paulo, Elza Doi e Luiz Dantas, orgs. Haikai. Campinas: Editora da UNICAMP, 1996.

GOGA, Masuda. O haicai no Brasil. São Paulo: Oriento, 1988.

GUTILLA, Rodolfo Witzig, org. Haicai. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2009.

LOBATO, Monteiro. Literatura do Minarete. Rio de Janeiro: Globo, 2009.

LEMINSKI, Paulo. Bashô. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1984.

MARQUES, Fabrício. Guilherme de Almeida e o lugar do haicai na poesia brasileira. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6/08/ 2015.

ODA, Teruko, Janelas e tempo. São Paulo: Escrituras, 2003.

SAVARY, Olga. Haikais. São Paulo: Roswitha Kempf, 1986.

SHIRANE, Haruo. Traces of Dreams. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1998.

UEDA, Makoto. Matsuo Bashō. New York: Kodansha, 1982.



How to Cite

Pinheiro, Samuel Delgado, and Eliane Cristina Testa. “Three Verses and One Coda: The Haiku Mutation in Brazil”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 34, Oct. 2017, pp. 66-79, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2017v34p66.