Performance, image and narration: contributions of photoperformance for a Critical Social Psychology of memory
Critical Social Psychology, Photoperformace, Identity, Photography, NarrativeAbstract
This article was built from reflections on the performances of the self and its dialogue with the issues of recognition, image, memory and forgetting. Therefore, it was divided into three sections, corresponding to the objectives of our writing. First, we present the understanding of performance and its relationship to observer recognition. The interdisciplinary theoretical references mobilized for this section dialogue with the identity-metamorphosis theory in Brazilian Critical Social Psychology, Walter Benjamin’s critical theory and the performance studies. Then, we discuss the relation between documentary and contemporary photography, in order to show the articulation of photography with performative theater and artistic performance, which are essential for photoperformance that, in turn,will prove itself important for the critique of chronological/linear time and the issue of memory. In the last part, we analyze images from two essays produced by the Brazilian photographer Fernando Maia da Cunha, entitled: “Diários de um viajante do tempo” (Journals of a time traveler, in English) and “Fernando não esteve aqui!” (Fernando wasn’t here!, in English). We conclude by pointing out how these essays offer elements for the understanding of the editing process and photoperformance, as well as they both present significant contributions to the studies of memory, forgetting and self-narrative in the field of Critical Social Psychology.Downloads
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