The Umbanda and health-disease processes
Religion, Health, Umbanda, Disease and cure.Abstract
Involvement in religious activities may be a coping strategy in the face of adversities and health-disease demands. In Brazil, Umbanda stands out as a religion strongly associated with healing processes, being sought by believers of different religious affiliations. The aim of this study was to understand how the health-disease processes are interpreted in the scientific studies that have the Umbanda scenario. From the systematic searches in the Lilacs, SciELO, PePSIC, PsycINFO and Medline databases (2007 to 2018), 22 studies were retrieved. In the Umbanda, from the recovered literature, health-disease processes are identified as a form of remission and rescue of the remnants of past lives, as influences and interferences of external energies of the spiritual universe, or as a form of personal merit. Spiritual treatment is referred to in this body of literature as a complementary means to traditional medicine, strengthening a health-disease perspective that integrates biological, psychological and cultural aspects both in the understanding of illness and in the therapeutic itineraries.Downloads
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