M1 transitions from isobaric analog states in (f-p) Shell Nuclei
M1 Transitions, Spectroscopic factor, Shell-model, Isobaric Analog States, (f-p) region.Abstract
M1 transition strengths for the decay of Isobaric Analog in the States in nuclei with (A = 49 to A = 57), have been calculated in a shell model space which accounts for the (Ip- IH)excitations of the core, proton sin-flip as well as isospin flip mechanism. A modified version of Kuo and Brown interaction, based on sum-rule analysis of single nucleon transfer reaction data in the (f-p) region has been used.In the extended model space, the observed quenching of M1 transition strength for 3/2_. Isobaric Analog State decay to the low lying antianalog state is well reproduced for the nuclei 49Sc, 51V and 55Co. An enchancement, as comared to the single-particle values, of M1 transition strengths for the decay of ½_ and 5/2_ analog states is predicted. Energy spectra and single-proton transfer strength distributions are discussed.
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