Bioassay on banana rhizome discs for selecting bacteria antagonistic to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense
Panama disease, Musa spp., biological control.Abstract
Detached plant organs are alternative materials to in vitro tests for selecting biocontrol agents. On the other hand, the use of scales to quantify injured areas can generate inconsistent results. Rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria were selected as growth inhibitors of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), the causal agent of Panama disease of banana. For this, rhizome discs were treated with 200 µL of antagonist suspension (109 CFU mL?1) and inoculated with the pathogen. The material was placed in plastic gerbox boxes and incubated in BOD at 25 °C for 12 days. Afterward, the area of rhizome discs (mm2) colonized by Foc was quantified by digital images. The assay was set up in a completely randomized design, with four replications and three discs per replication. The control consisted of untreated and inoculated discs. The results showed the efficiency of this method in selecting the biological control agent, as the 26 isolates were group into five different clusters, with isolates belonging to four of these groups (from ‘1’ to ‘4’) being able to reduce Foc colonization. Isolates 520EB, 993EB, and 531EB had the highest potential for inhibition, with areas of 343.3, 344.1, 364.8 mm2, respectively, promoting inhibition ranging from 53 to 56 % of the colonized area compared to the control (782.6 mm2).Downloads
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