Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a culture or lysate on innate immunity and ruminal and intestinal morphology of steers finished in feedlot





Bovine respiratory disease (BRD), Inflammation, Reactive oxigen species (ROS), Subacute ruminal acidosis syndrome (SARA), Yeast.


The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the administration of two classes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae improved the health of feedlot-finished steers. A total of 33 Angus-Nellore blood ½ steers (body weight of 350 ± 10 kg and 11 ± 5 months old) fed an energy diet were evaluated at the beginning (0 and 16 days), middle (44 and 72 days), and end (100) of the feedlot based on the inflammatory status and health of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Inflammation and innate immunity were measured using leukocyte oxidative metabolism (OM), serum haptoglobin levels, and the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio. Respiratory health was verified based on nasal secretion, rectal temperature, and lung lesions during slaughter. The digestive health was verified by histomorphology of the rumen and intestine. The treatments were as follows: Saccharomyces cerevisiae in culture (CUL n=12), S. cerevisiae in the autolyzed form (AUT n=10), and control diet (CON, n=11). In the CUL group, OM increased by 7% on average, with lower indicators of respiratory disease and inflammatory status in the intermediate and final stages of the feedlots. The ruminal papillae of these animals were 30% thinner than those of the CON group and had lower ruminitis scores. Although AUT promoted a 10% increase in OM and a lower inflammatory status in the intermediate and final stages of the feedlot, steers showed more indicators of respiratory diseases than those in the CUL group. The duodenal villus area and jejunal villus height in the AUT group still increased by 25 and 15%, respectively. Its effect on the ruminal papilla was subtle, only decreasing the ruminitis score. We concluded that both groups of S. cerevisiae improved the health of animals compared with the control group, indicating that supplementation with S. cerevisiae cultures resulted in the decreased alteration of rumen papillae, compatible with a lower occurrence of subclinical ruminal acidosis syndrome (SARA), reflecting immunological gains and a lower occurrence of bovine respiratory disease (BRD). The S. cerevisiae autolysate showed a higher intestinal effect and lower activity in the rumen papillae. Although this treatment showed an immunological gain similar to a yeast culture, it reflected the lower health of the respiratory tract. 


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Author Biographies

Bruna Fernanda Zdepski , Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Master Post-Graduate, Program of Veterinary Science, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Jayme Augusto Peres, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Prof. Dr. of Curse of Veterinary Medicine, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Bianca Milla, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Student of Graduate of Curse of Veterinary Medicine, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Sarah Naiverth de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Student of Graduate of  Curse of Veterinary Medicine, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Carolina Rodrigues Depaoli, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Student of Graduate of Curse of Veterinary Medicine, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Ana Carolina Araujo Abreu, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Student of Graduate of Curse of Veterinary Medicine, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Gabriela Garbossa, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Master Post-Graduate, Program of Veterinary Science, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

Ricardo Pereira Manzano, Nutripec Consultoria

Consultant and owner of Nutripec Consultoria, Catanduva, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Heloisa Godoi Bertagnon, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste

Master Post-Graduate, Program of Veterinary Science, Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Zdepski , B. F., Peres, J. A., Milla, B., Oliveira, S. N. de, Depaoli, C. R., Abreu, A. C. A., Garbossa, G., Manzano, R. P., & Bertagnon, H. G. (2023). Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a culture or lysate on innate immunity and ruminal and intestinal morphology of steers finished in feedlot. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 44(4), 1321–1340. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2023v44n4p1321




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