Parasitological, epidemiological, and hematological findings in Spix's yellow-toothed cavy (Galea spixii Wangler, 1831) in the State of Paraiba, northeastern Brazil
Ectoparasites, Endoparasites, Hemoparasites, Cavy, Rodent.Abstract
Brazil is composed of large ecosystems with vast biodiversity in fauna and flora. Agriculture and livestock farming provides an interaction between humans and domestic and wild animals, which favors the dissemination of infectious and parasitic agents. Wild rodents present a wide ecological diversity; therefore, it is necessary to know which species may be carriers of pathogens. This study aims to identify endo and ectoparasites, and hemoparasites in Spix's yellow-toothed cavy (Galea spixii Wangler, 1831), and determine the hematological parameters of this species. The study was carried out with 16 adult specimens from both sexes, captured in the rural areas of Remigio and Areia, Paraiba State, northeastern Brazil. All Spix's yellow-toothed cavies presented ectoparasites, Gliricola quadrisetosa, Gyropus ovalis, Laelaps sp. and Chirodiscoides caviae, and endoparasites identified by the presence of Nematode eggs, Cestode eggs, and coccidian oocysts in the stool samples. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of parasitism by Gyropus ovalis, Laelaps sp. and Chirodiscoides cavia in Spix's yellow-toothed cavy. Animals tested negative by PCR for hemotropic Mycoplasma sp., Babesia sp., Ehrlichia sp., and Bartonella sp. For the first time, the hematological profile of these animals was determined. These results can be the basis for future research with the species, which can be used as a sample animal in experiments in clinical settings as an epidemiological guide since this species is routinely used by impoverished populations in the Northeastern region of Brazil as pets, as well as a source of protein.
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