Soil macrofauna in areas with different successional vegetation stages after Eucalyptus grandis harvest in Brazil




Composition of soil macrofauna, Taxonomic groups, Seasons, Successional dynamics.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the composition of soil macrofauna over different periods after the harvest of Eucalyptus grandis to understand the ecological restoration process. Data collection was carried out in each climatic season by the “Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility” Program. In general, 25,789 individuals were collected from the soil macrofauna and distributed in 26 taxonomic groups, with the Formicidae family being the most abundant. Of the individuals found, 7,418 were collected during autumn, 7,320 in summer, 5,553 in winter, and 5,498 in spring. The soil macrofauna was influenced by seasonality, with a higher density of individuals in autumn and summer. Regarding functional groups, social groups were dominant in all areas and seasons, comprising 74.50% of the total number of individuals. The detritivores group comprised 17.98% of the total individuals. Herbivores, snails, and slugs accounted for 3.98% of the total individuals. The functional groups detritivores, herbivores, and predators were more abundant in the litter, while the social groups were predominant in the soil depths of 0 to 30 cm. As the forest progressed, the richness of the macrofauna groups increased, demonstrating the influence of successional dynamics on the composition of the soil macrofauna.


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Author Biographies

Daiane Luchetta Ronchi, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

M.e in Forestry Engineering, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, FURB, Forestry Engineering Department, Blumenau, SC, Brazil.

Lauri Amândio Schorn, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Prof., FURB, Forestry Engineering Department, Blumenau, SC, Brazil.

Kristiana Fiorentin dos Santos, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Pos Doctoral Student of Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering, FURB, Forestry Engineering Department, Blumenau, SC, Brazil.

Marcelo Diniz Vitorino, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Prof., FURB, Forestry Engineering Department, Blumenau, SC, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Ronchi, D. L., Schorn, L. A., Santos, K. F. dos, & Vitorino, M. D. (2022). Soil macrofauna in areas with different successional vegetation stages after Eucalyptus grandis harvest in Brazil. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 43(3), 1111–1126.




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