Initial performance of ‘Gem’ avocado trees in the Central-Western region of São Paulo State
lowering, ‘Hass’-like avocados, Persea americana Mill, Vegetative growth, Yield.Abstract
The introduction of new avocado cultivars into producing countries of the Southern Hemisphere may extend the offer period of fresh fruit for export. The ‘Gem’ (‘3-29-5’) avocado is known for extending the marketing period of ‘Hass’-like avocados. This study aimed to evaluate the horticultural performance of ‘Gem’ avocado trees between the 4th and 6th years after planting (2016-2018), in a commercial orchard in the Central-Western region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. ‘Gem’ avocado trees grafted onto seedling rootstocks were evaluated regarding tree size, shoot growth, flowering, and fruit yield, quality and maturation. In the evaluated biennium, the trees showed a strong upright growth habit and compact tree size. Flowering occurred mainly in indeterminate inflorescences. Fruit yield varied between 106.89 to 116.89 kg tree-1, and 75-91% of the fruit classified within size counts 12 (306 to 365 g/fruit) to 18 (211 to 235 g/fruit), and reached physiological maturity in late June, but could be picked until October, i.e, four to eight months later than ‘Hass’. ‘Gem’ is a new alternative for extending fruit offer of late-maturity avocado cultivars and allowing higher profit to the farmers.Downloads
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