Structure and development of root gall induced by Meloidogyne javanica in Glycine max L.
Galls, Giant cells, Nematode, Root, Soybean.Abstract
Galls formed by root-knot nematodes have been studied in several cultivated species focusing on understanding the intimate relationship between parasite and the host plant. Species of Meloidogyne induce the development of a feeding site in the cortex or vascular cylinder of the host plant and are totally dependent on this site formation to complete their life cycle. Therefore, we focused on anatomical, cytological and histochemical changes during the establishment and development of galls and giant cells induced by Meloidogyne javanica in the roots of Glycine max. Seeds of soybean (susceptible cultivar M8372 IPRO) were sown in trays with coconut fibre substrate and the seedlings were removed ten days after the seeds emerged for nematode inoculation. The roots from inoculated and non-inoculated (control) were sampled at different stages of development until 55 days after inoculation. Histological, cytological, histochemical analysis were performed in light and electron microscopy in non-galled tissue and galls induced by M. javanica. The galls showed different shapes and abundance in the roots inoculated by M. javanica. The induction of galls occurs by hypertrophy of the root cortex shortly after the initial infection process. Giant cells were formed 18 days after nematode inoculation. These giant or nourishing cells are multinucleated, and have a dense cytoplasm, a thick wall with invaginations, many mitochondria and small vacuoles. The anatomical sections indicated a disorganisation of the cells of the cortex and vascular cylinder in relation to the control root.Downloads
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