Zymomonas mobilis: a promising microrganism for alcoholic fermentation
Zymomonas mobilis, Ethanol, Alcoholic fermentation, Sugarcane.Abstract
In many countries, fermentation studies regarding the use of bacteria instead of yeasts to reduce the period of alcoholic fermentation have been carried out. In Brazil, all the industrial alcohol production is carried out by yeasts as fermentation microorganisms and little is known about other microorganisms with potential to produce alcohol industrially. Brazil stands out in the energy sector worldwide and thus some institutions have been selecting microorganisms which are more effcient in the alcohol production process. Alcoholic bacteria from species Zymomonas mobilis present technological characteristics with potential to be used for alcoholic fermentation at industrial scale, since it exhibits promising abilities to transform sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, at conditions similar to the ones required by yeasts. Zymomonas mobilis is a unique bacteria among the microbial world, with peculiar growth, energy production and response to culture conditions, causing a great interest in scientifc, biotechnological and industrial felds. The bacteria’s ability to make possible energy production in favor of product formation, respond to physical and chemical environmental manipulation as well as its limited product formation make it an ideal microorganism for the study and development of microbial processes for ethanol production.
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