Blues: an ethnographic essay about culture and its reflections on clothing




Blues, Cultural identity, Clothing, Zoot-Suit style movement


This paper aims at discussing the socio-cultural-historical relations that brokered and determined the visual narrative in the blues culture, in order to develop a collection of tailored clothing. It is assumed that fashion, as a carrier of symbolic meaning, is intrinsically linked to the individual thinking and its manifestations through the visual narrative. This analysis is guided by the associations between the communication signals of personality – under the perspective of cultural phenomena.

Author Biographies

Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro, Universidade Feevale

Doctor in Social Communication. Professor at the Universidade Feevale

André Conti Silva, Feevale University

Student of the Doctoral program in Design at the Universidade Federal do  Rio Grande do Sul. Professor at the Universidade Feevale

Morgana Schoerpf Petry, Feevale University

Bachelor's degree in Fashion earned from Universidade Feevale

Débora Wissmann, Feevale University

Undergraduate student of Advertisement at the Universidade Feevale


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, C. M. P., Silva, A. C., Petry, M. S., & Wissmann, D. (2019). Blues: an ethnographic essay about culture and its reflections on clothing. Projetica, 10(1), 25–40.



Design de Moda

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