Olfactive aesthetic experience within the servicescape: the olfactive aesthetic experience as means to provide a new perception of the servicescape
Aesthetics of Odors, Servicescape, Aesthetic Experience, Affective Aspects, AtmosphereAbstract
From the points of view of Service Design, Services, Marketing and Communication, the odors can contribute to the provision of a given unit of satisfaction to the users of the service offered in a certain servicescape, with the potential to intervene in affective aspects. The specialized literature pointed to a gap on the Aesthetic dimension of Services, including the aesthetics of the odors. In this context, the problem that guided this research was based on the following question: how to use the olfactive aesthetic experience to provide a new perception of the servicescape by the user/client? The objective was to identify the relevant aspects of the olfactive aesthetic experience as a means to provide a new perception of the users/clients regarding the servicescape. The research has an exploratory and qualitative nature, with the application of a bibliographic review and a survey. Results show that the olfactive emotional aspects evoked in a servicescape have the potential to create and reinforce both positive and negative moods in users.Downloads
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