Vestibilidade de calça jogger e meias por pessoas com doença de Parkinson

dificuldades no vestir e despir




usabilidade, design inclusivo, idosos


Pessoas com doença de Parkinson podem apresentar comprometimento em várias atividades cotidianas, incluindo a vestibilidade (usabilidade de roupas). O estudo objetivou compreender como as características do design do vestuário influenciam a dificuldade no vestir e despir calças e meias. Os resultados apontam significativa (p<0,05) diminuição da eficiência e satisfação ao serem comparadas com um grupo controle. As discussões apontam que o design destes vestuários deve ser planejado com novas aplicações inclusivas considerando as características desses usuários.


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Biografia do Autor

Leticia Nardoni Marteli, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Doutoranda e Mestra (2019) no PPG-Design da FAAC-UNESP. É investigadora colaboradora do grupo de pesquisa "Design Ergonômico: Projeto e Interfaces" (CNPQ 0220593412085861) do Laboratório de Ergonomia e Interfaces da FAAC-UNESP; investigadora colaboradora do Projeto Ativa Parkinson do Movi-Lab da FC-UNESP; e investigadora colaboradora do CIAUD - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura Urbanismo e Design da FA-ULisboa. Possui Bacharel em Design de Moda (Modelagem e Desenvolvimento de Produto) pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2016). Tem experiência na área do Design, com ênfase em Design de Moda, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Modelagem industrial; Design de Vestuário; Moda Inclusiva; Design Ergonômico; Moda Sustentável.

Luis Carlos Paschoarelli, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes, Comunicação e Design

Luis Carlos Paschoarelli é Professor Titular no Departamento de Design da UNESP (2017); Livre-Docente em Design Ergonômico pela UNESP (2009); possui Pós-doutorado em Ergonomia (2008) pela ULISBOA; Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção (2003) pela UFSCar; Mestrado em Projeto, Arte e Sociedade - Desenho Industrial (1997) e graduação em Desenho Industrial (1994) pela UNESP. É co-lider no Grupo de Pesquisa "Design Ergonômico: Projeto e Interfaces" onde coordena os projetos de pesquisa: 'Design Ergonômico: avaliação e intervenção ergonômica no projeto'; 'Design Ergonômico: metodologias para a avaliação de instrumentos manuais na interface homem X tecnologia'; e 'Contribuições do Design Ergonômico na pesquisa e projeto de equipamentos para a reabilitação de pessoas com capacidades específicas'. Está lotado no Laboratório de Ergonomia e Interfaces - Departamento de Design, onde atua como docente no curso de graduação em Design e do Programa de Pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado) em Design da UNESP. Tem experiência na área do design, ergonomia, design ergonômico, design de produto e design gráfico.

Paula Trigueiros, Universidade do Minho

Paula Trigueiros (female) is Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, Arts and Design at the University of Minho, where she is an integrated member of Lab2PT. Her extensive teaching and research experience concerns the delivery of inclusive design solutions that specifically involve people with diverse characteristics and needs (e.g. older people and people with disabilities). She has a long-standing interest and track record of research focused on people and communities, interaction design, and social innovation. She has promoted two curricular units about Inclusive Design within UMinho and organised numerous academic workshops and events on different forms of inclusion through Design. She concluded her Post-doctoral research (2022) on best practices of Inclusive Design in Portugal, at the University of Lisbon, where she is a collaborating member of the Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD). She earned her PhD in 2008 from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), with a thesis on Accessibility to Public Access Terminals (specifically, vending machines). She has a Master's degree in Urban Planning and Environment Design (2000) from the University of Porto and a Licentiate degree in Architecture (1988) from the University of Lisbon. She has authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications and successfully led programmes and projects to completion. She provides leadership to the work at UMinho and adds value through methodological expertise and track-record of delivery.

Fernando Moreira da Silva, Universidade de Lisboa

ull Professor in Design - Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon (FA/ULisboa) and President of CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design ( rated Excellent ), Member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon, Coordinator of the Scientific Area of Design at FA/ULisboa, General Coordinator of the Mater degrees in Design at FA/ULisboa, Coordinator of the PhD course in Design at FA/ULisboa.
Aggregation in Design (by Technical University of Lisbon ), PhD in Colour in Architecture (by the university of Salford and by the technical University of Lisbon), MPhil in Colour in Interiors (by the University of Salford), Postdoctoral in Inclusive Design (by the University of Salford).
Course Coordinator for ULisboa of the International PhD in Design and Innovation, along with Malaga and Naples Universities.
External Examiner, at the University of Salford, for the Master Courses in Inclusive Design and Accessibility (2008/2012).
Honorary Researcher of SURFACE - Inclusive Design Research Centre, University of Salford (UK).
CIAUD researcher and coordinator of LID - Laboratory for Innovation in Design.
Investigator contributor of CITAD - Research Centre for Territory, Architecture and Design, of Lusíada University.
He is a Professor in the Master degrees of Design (Product , Communication , Fashion, Graphic, Garments and Textile) and in PhD degree at FA/ULisboa (Design, Architecture, Urbanism), collaborating in the PhD courses of Design of the Universities of Aveiro, Porto and Lusiada.
Coordinator of the Advanced Studies in Design Course at FA/ULisboa.
Coordinator of several research projects, mainly in the Design field.
Supervisor of several Masters Dissertations (20) and PhD Thesis (35); Co-Supervisor of 3 Masters Dissertations and 16 PhD Thesis; Supervisor of 9 Post-Doctoral Projects.
Member of numerous Jury panels of Master and PhD in Portugal and abroad, mainly UK, Brazil, Spain and Italy.
Member of the panel of evaluators for FCT for PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships in the field of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, besides ALBAN and PROTEC Programs.
Member of several organizations, including the APD – Portuguese Association of Designers, AAP - Association of Portuguese Architects, ICOMOS , the Fine Arts National Academy and APCOR - Portuguese Colour Association.
Lecturer in Design (Product, Communication and Fashion, Ergonomics, Inclusive Design, Fashion, Colour and Design Research.
Responsible for the coordination of various conferences, seminars, international conferences and exhibitions.
Author of books, chapters of books, papers and oral communications in Design, Colour, Inclusivity, Ergonomics, Human Factors, Fashion, Methodologies and Accessibility.
Mastery of written and spoken English, Italian, Spanish, French and German.


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Como Citar

Marteli, L. N., Paschoarelli, L. C., Trigueiros, P., Moreira da Silva, F., & Barbieri, F. A. (2024). Vestibilidade de calça jogger e meias por pessoas com doença de Parkinson: dificuldades no vestir e despir. Projetica, 15(1), 1–33.



Design de Moda

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