Evaluation of controlled vocabulary use in institutional repositories
Institutional repositories. Controlled vocabulary. Indexing evaluation. Subject retrievalAbstract
Objective: To develop and apply a methodology for evaluating the use of controlled vocabularies for vocabulary control in institutional repositories.
Methodology: The methodological procedures were carried out in two stages: a) analysis of the literature on the evaluation of the use of controlled vocabulary to control vocabulary in institutional repositories and; b) exploratory-explanatory application with case studies of six institutional repositories that use controlled vocabulary and in an institutional repository that does not integrate the controlled vocabulary for indexing and retrieval by subject. The second stage consisted of applying evaluative criteria in two categories of analysis: intrinsic evaluation, containing criteria aimed at the repository itself, and extrinsic evaluation, with criteria aimed at the analysis of representation and information retrieval.
Results: In most of the analyzed institutional repositories that integrate controlled vocabulary, the retrieval by subjects presents good precision from searched terms, while the repository that does not integrate the controlled vocabulary needs greater terminological control of the terms correlated to the theses and dissertations searches to greater precision in the retrieval of informational resources.
Conclusions: The more specialized the vocabulary controlled in relation to the domain of the institutional repository, the more effective the subject retrieval will be. The lack of standardization in the representation causes failures in the recovery with inconsistencies in the interaction of the institutional repository with its users.
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